
Lawatan Akreditasi Penuh (Kitaran Baru) oleh Delegasi Panel Penilai MBOT

Kajang, 27 September 2023 – Terima kasih diucapkan kepada delegasi panel Penilai daripada Malaysia Board of Technologists (MBOT) atas lawatan Akreditasi Penuh (Kitaran Baru) ke German-Malaysian Institute pada 26 & 27 September 2023.

Dua program diploma daripada Jabatan Kejuruteraan Mekanikal telah menjalani proses penilaian akreditasi iaitu program:

Diploma in Engineering Technology (Industrial Design)
Diploma in Engineering Technology (Machine Tools Maintenance)

Delegasi panel MBOT diketuai oleh Ts. Dr. Norhayati binti Yahaya dan dibantu oleh ahli panel penilai MBOT yang lain iaitu Ts. Ameran bin Saiman, Ts. Dr. Ahmad Khushairy bin Makhtar dan Ts. Mohd Hafez bin Abd Rahman. Sekretariat MBOT diwakili oleh En. Kamal Khairi bin Mazlan dan Pn. Nur Shazalina binti Ghazali.

Ucapan alu-aluan disempurnakan oleh Pengarah Urusan GMI Tn. Hj. Ahmad Solihin bin Mohamed Yusof serta barisan pengurusan GMI.

Semoga lawatan akreditasi ini terus menjamin kualiti yang terbaik khususnya untuk kedua-dua program Diploma in Engineering Technology (Industrial Design) dan Diploma in Engineering Technology (Machine Tools Maintenance) agar sentiasa berdaya saing dan melahirkan graduan GMI yang dinamik dan holistik.

Terms & Conditions

  1. Eligibility
    – This contest is open to secondary school students born between January 1, 2007, and December 31, 2009.
    – Participants must follow at least one of the official social media accounts of the German-Malaysian Institute (GMI) to be eligible (Facebook, Instagram or Tiktok).
  2. Contest Participation
    – To enter the contest, participants must complete the quiz and submit their answers as instructed.
    – Participants are encouraged to create a unique and creative tagline related to GMI to increase their chances of winning.
  3. Agreement to Terms
    – By entering the contest, participants agree to abide by these terms and conditions.
    – Participants must ensure that their submissions comply with all guidelines provided.
  4. Prizes
    – Details of the prizes will be announced at the start of the contest.
    – Winners will be selected based on the accuracy of their quiz answers and creativity of their tagline.
  5. Selection of Winners
    – Winners will be notified through the social media platform where they entered the contest.
    – The decision of the contest organizers is final and no correspondence will be entered into.
  6. Privacy
    – Personal information collected during the contest will be used for the purpose of this contest and promotional activities and will be kept confidential.
  7. Liability
    The organizers reserve the right to disqualify any participant who violates these terms and conditions or engages in any fraudulent activity.
  8. Modification of Terms
    The organizers reserve the right to modify these terms and conditions at any time. Participants will be notified of any changes through the official GMI social media accounts.
  9. Acceptance
    By participating in the contest, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agreed to these terms and conditions.

Consent Declaration:

By signing this consent form, I, as the participant (or the parent/guardian of the participant, where applicable), hereby consent to the collection, use, and processing of the personal information provided solely for the purpose of administering the GMI online quiz competition.

I understand that this data will be handled in accordance with applicable data protection regulations and will only be used for the competition and related communications from GMI.

I acknowledge that:

  1. The information collected during this quiz contest may be used for promotional purposes, including WhatsApp notifications and other marketing activities. By participating, you consent to the use of your data for these purposes.
  2. The information will be securely stored and accessed only by authorized personnel involved in the competition.
  3. GMI is committed to safeguarding personal data in compliance with applicable data protection laws.
  4. I have the right to request access to, correction of, or deletion of the personal data provided by contacting GMI directly.

Data Protection Assurance:

GMI is committed to protecting your personal information. All data collected will be securely stored and managed in accordance with our data protection policy. It will not be shared with third parties without explicit consent unless required by law.

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