GMI led by The Chief Executive Officer had a privileged to attend a meeting at Bilik Mesyuarat Tertinggi UMNO, Level 38, World Trade Centre (WTC), Kuala Lumpur.
The meeting chaired by The Chairman of Majlis Amanah Rakyat (MARA), Dato’ Wira Dr. Asyraf Wajdi bin Dato’ Dusuki, is to discuss on TVET showcase during Perhimpunan Agung UMNO that would take place form 21 until 24 August 2024.
In the meeting, GMI highlighted two(2) proposals;
- To showcase our RV Caravan AI Artificial Intelligence capabilities to manage all manuals of RV
- To offer Micro Credential courses in support of the government call. The purpose of this offer is to give opportunities for school leavers who having interest on hands-on experience.
We hope these proposal will be considered by The Chairman of MARA.
We are looking forward to participate in the TVET showcase next August!