A recent visit from Tn. Hj. Ahmad Solihin Mohamed Yusoff, the CEO of the German-Malaysian Institute, and Datuk Feisol Hassan, founding board member, and honorary MGCC member, marked a significant discussion on the progress of TVET in Malaysia.
Together with MGCC Executive Director, Daniel Bernbeck and Deputy Executive Director, Dr Eva Langerbeck (not in picture), the discussion covered the implementation of an industry advisory board for companies to participate in to help shape the content and quality of GDVT/TVET offered at the German-Malaysian Institute (GMI).
The talk about TVET is currently receiving buzz especially with Deputy Prime Minister and Chairman of the TVET Council of Malaysia, Zahid Hamidi recently pushing the topic to improve the conditions in Malaysia, starting with a TVET Summit on 5 March 2024 that will bring together CEOs from the German industry to participate.
The visit concludes with an anticipation of developments shaping the landscape of Malaysia’s TVET industry.